About Us
We are a Baptist Church whose passion is, above all, to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by living-out and spreading the good news of God's love and mercy. Our foundational document is the Holy Bible, which we hold to be our all loving and gracious God's final word to his creation, completely reliable and trustworthy in all it teaches. As a Church we use the English Standard Version (Anglicised) of the Bible in our worship and study.
We hold in entirety to the reformed doctrines of grace and to the ancient teaching of the Church: The Apostles, Nicene (AD 381) and Athanasian Creeds together with the Definition of the Council of Chalcedon (AD 451).
(Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash)
Pastor and Deacons
Pastor: Rev Richard Ross
Richard has served as Pastor of Kington Baptist Church since 2011. Born in Shrewsbury, he found himself called to the Christian ministry from a very young age. After three years at the South Wales Bible College, Barry between 1971 and 1974, he entered the pastoral ministry in 1978, at Ackhill Baptist Church. In 2004 he gained an MA in Theology from the University of Wales through Wales Evangelical School of Theology, Bridgend; where for 10 years he taught theology part-time.
Deacon: Lucy Mann
I became a Christian in my last year at University, in a college bar with a Methodist Minister. It followed a particularly difficult term, when I was recovering from shingles and I was worried that I was going to fail my degree. I went along to some Easter themed Christian Union talks and was convinced (in my heart) that I should pray a prayer of commitment to Jesus and start my Christian journey.
Fast forward... Our first tentative visit to KBC, after Covid restrictions were lifted, was warm and welcoming. What's more, we felt well fed (spiritually) and that's what kept us coming back!
Deacon: Joe Meiklejohn
Bio awaited
Secretary: Graham Vaughan
Photo and Bio awaited
Treasurer: David Waterfield
Photo and Bio awaited